Thursday, November 19, 2009

Note to Self

I just updated the quote of the day (see right). I'm thinking my life would be so much better and easier if I were taking heed to the things in that quote! Why, oh why, is it so hard for me to read my scriptures on a consistant basis? Or, at all some months. I really could use those promises in my life right now. I think I'll dust off my B of M tonight and do some readin'! If you have any suggestions on how you make scripture reading work in your life, I could use some.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I struggle with that as well. Earlier in the year I just decided I was going to get through the B of M so didn't read anything else. I set aside my fiction/novel reading and just focused on the scriptures. I found myself looking forward to reading each night and would even read in the afternoons. However, now that I completed it I'm already out of the habit of reading each night!