Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Whew! It's All Over!

I'm now officially gallbladderless! Yea! Just wanted to thank with much appreciation, all of my friends (and family) for taking such good care of me and my 3 little men as I've been recovering. From delicious dinners and lunch, to bringing my kids home from school. Thanks for all who called to check up on how I was doing. So thoughtful of all of you, especially at this time of year when we are all being pulled in a million directions. It's nice to know I can always count on my friends when I'm in a pinch...or a stich! Love you all!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tis' the Season

Good Gracious, I haven't posted in a long time! Just seems like I've been hit with a ton of commitments and demands, not to mention working at home doing my billing business. Tis the season for craziness I guess.

One of these days, I'm going to get my Christmas shopping done! I always put it off. Shopping-not at all one of my favorite things to do-especially when things are financially stressed. Just knowing with each purchase I'm getting further and further in debt. Ugh! Sound like fun? Not to me. I guess if I were smart, I'd learn to put a little $$ away each month so that when Christmas comes along, things wouldn't be so stressful. OR I could just win the lottery! Ya, right! I guess I should just be darn grateful for what I do have. Like Todd's job. He works in the banking/financial world and we know how stable that industry is right now. Things look O.K. for him but who knows what the future might bring? So, I 'm glad I have enough. No less, no more. Christmas is by far one of my least favorite holidays. Can't stand all of the commercialism. All of the expectations to buy, buy, buy, give, give, give, get, get, get. However, I am a firm believer in the "reason for the season." I'm trying some new ways to have a more Christ centered home this Christmas.

One bright spot was this last weekend. I had the chance to have a "sleepover" with a bunch of my really good friends. We went downtown to the opulent Grand America Hotel and needless to say had a fabulous time together-talking, eating, talking, a lot of laughing and more talking. We did very little sleeping. The next morning, I woke up with abs of steal from all of the laughing I did. I had a great time with all of you!! :) My life would be so lonely and devoid of happiness and laughter without my girlfriends. It was great to take a break from my other roles and just let my hair down and have a good time. I felt relaxed and rejuvenated at the end. (Although, I came home feeling like I had a hangover! Wonder why?!)

Thursday I head to the hospital for a little tune-up. I'm getting my gallbladder removed. It's something I've been putting off for about two years now and I'm afraid I can't put it off any longer. I'll admit, I've been in denial, plus, who has the time for surgery? Nobody told me I would start falling apart when I turned forty. The bright side is maybe I'll loose some weight. No more greasy fries and cheesy pizza for this girl! However, I won't be giving up my Diet Vanilla Pepsi for anything!! My advice? DON'T GET OLD-that's an order!