Saturday, April 25, 2009

What Would You Rather...

So, if you had a choice would your preference be to have a great marriage with little money or would you rather have alot of money and be in a not so great marriage? (I know, we'd all probably like both, great marriage with money) but if those were your choices what would you rather? Just curious.


Jackie said...

Hmmm....I think it would be difficult to have a GREAT marriage with little money because finances play such a big role in marriage to create stress. I think it's the number one thing that causes fights- at least in my experience. But I'm sure there's people out there that manage and are happy even though money is tight. It sometimes brings you closer as a couple when times are tough.

Anyway, to answer your question I think I'd choose the first- to be in a happy marriage. Good question.

Tera said...

I think I would choose a happy one too. If you know there is no money, you can find ways to make it fun/creative and still work together to make the situation with money better together. It seems to me, looking in from the outside, that people with unending money are rarely really happy :)

Emily said...

Well...based on experience (with being poor - not a horrific marriage), I would have to say that I would definitely choose a great marriage over money. My in-laws have money (a ton of it) and it is definitely a double-edged sword. It really causes quite a bit of contention - more than I ever would have realized. We've been married almost 10 years (more than some; less than some), but I think long enough to have experienced some ups and downs. I will definitely say that when my marriage is really working well, it doesn't matter much what other challenges we may be facing. It just feels like I can handle it.

Although, a few years ago, we were at my in-laws house and watching the Ray Charles movie with Jamie Foxx. I don't know if you've seen it, but he dealt with some serious drug and alcohol issues early on in their marriage and especially when he first started being very successful and making oodles of money. He eventually overcame his addictions and his wife stuck with him until the end of his life. My mother-in-law made the comment that it is very difficult to leave financial security, no matter what else is going on in the marriage. I thought that was an interesting comment. Although I think my in-laws have a good marriage now - one that really works for both of them, I know that it was really tough for A LOT of years. So, I guess it all depends on perspective.

Brian and Kim said...
