Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Good, Mom's Gone!

Last night, after telling Todd to make grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner, I headed out the door to a Y.W. activity. Ethan asked where I was going and I told him we were going rollerblading. He seemed pretty happy with my reply and promptly said good-bye.

Well, come to find out later, just as Todd came to give me a good-night kiss before heading off to bed, he told me the funniest thing Ethan had said earlier that night after I had left to go to Y.W. Apparently, after the door slammed behind me, Ethan announced to Todd and Cole, " Good, mom's gone! Now we can burp and fart!" Let me translate: That was code for let's get this party started-it's male bonding time! OH MY GOSH!!!! Is this what happens when I leave home?? I refuse to believe Todd is responsible for that kind of comment coming out of Ethan's mouth-or should I wise up?! What the crap??

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