Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Declare SPRING Officially Here!!!!

Oh, How I've Missed the Color Yellow!

Daffs are some of my all-time favorite flowers. But, who doesn't love any springtime flower? This little beauty is the only one in my yard. What a nice suprise! I have two weeks to enjoy her. Tulips won't be up for another 3-4 weeks. More color is on its way! Yea!!! It's been a LONG winter this year.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Cabin Fever!

I have cabin fever. BAD! I cannot wait for spring to come. I am so tired of feeling cooped-up. I am tired of doing the laundry and cooking meals and doing dishes, only to wake-up the next day and do it all again-Groundhog Day is my life! I am so tired of my house-and cleaning it-all the time. It doesn't help that it has been for sale now for 6 months and it hasn't sold yet. Damn the economy! Meanwhile, I have to keep making trips to our storage shed to retrieve items I thought I wouldn't need or wouldn't need to unpack until we moved into our new house. I was hoping not to have to go get the Christmas tree and decorations. But had to. When I took them back to the shed, I moved the box that had the kids Easter baskets in it. I distinctly remember cussing in December, that I better not have to come back to the shed to retrieve them, surely, we would have the house sold. Granted, I still have a month before Easter comes, but, I'm ready for a change. Maybe, I'm just ready for the weather to change, or to see color again, or eat a big piece of watermelon or wear my Capri's. Whatever. I just need something to change. I'm ready to trade cabin fever for spring fever.
How 'bout you?